Hi readers!
So. I ended up going to a highly aerobic dance club tonight. (Seriously, I completely understand how some types of dance can burn about 500 calories an hour.) (And no, it wasn’t Zumba- it was Charleston. A WHOLE lot of fun!)
And after I got back, I thought that I really wanted grape juice. After all, I’ve got some frozen grapes in the freezer and a vitamix. Shouldn’t be too hard, right?
Unfortunately, ingredients just kept on popping up their heads saying “ooh, put me in! I’d be great!”
So the end result looked like this:

So, here’s the recipe for:
Not Quite Grape Juice… at all
- 3 jumbo ice cubes (minimal charge)
- About 4-7 frozen strawberries (No more than 1/8 of a $2.00 bag, so about $0.13. Tops. Probably close to 7-10 cents.)
- About 6 frozen grapes (minimal charge.)
- About 1/4-1/3 Cup Milk (Maybe 5 cents?)
- (Optional) About 1-2 TBSP half & half (Maybe 5 cents?)
- A splash of vanilla (minimal)
- 1-2 tsp honey (MAYBE $0.05?)
- A shake of cinnamon (minimal)
Total cost: absolutely no more than $0.30. Probably much closer to $0.10. So, basically negligible. Especially if you already have the ingredients on hand. 🙂
- Start off by planning on having grape juice.
- Turn that idea into strawberry-grape juice.
- Realize you have milk, and could make something icecreamish
- Scratch the ice cream idea, because you want a beverage
- Add the ice, strawberries, and grapes into the vitamix
- Add the milk and half & half anyways, and decide to turn it into a smoothie
- Realize that vanilla would go nicely
- Add said vanilla
- Go, “Ah! I can make this ‘healthy’!” and add a shake or two of cinnamon
- Realize that both the cinnamon and vanilla will need sweetening
- Put in a bit of honey
- Blend until smooth
Serving: About 1 Cup.
Simpler Directions
- Put ingredients into the vitamix
- Blend until smooth
- Enjoy
- Or don’t. Really, it’s up to you.
I hope you have a tasty drink/smoothie/thingy!